If you are serious about getting your website noticed and ranked above your competitors, it is best to use a web developer with knowledge of SEO.

SEO goes beyond a well laid-out and designed website. Search engine algorithms are not constant, they are being tweaked and changed all the time, so you want to ensure your page shows up in the first or second page of the search results. Using someone with SEO knowledge and the right SEO tools is the best way to achieve this.

Having the Right SEO Tools

It starts with having the right tools for the job. As with any project you take on, from building a website to renovating your house, the difference in having and not having the right tools at your disposal can mean success or failure. 

There are many free SEO tools on the web as well as some that you need to pay for.

Some Basic SEO Tools  

There are literally hundreds of SEO tools on the internet and they all have different functions. 

Here is a starter list of some of the basic SEO tools and their functions.  

1. Google Analytics – Used for monitoring web traffic for your website and analyzing important data about the viewers of your website.

2. Google Search Console – Formerly called Google Webmaster Tools, sync this with GA to get search queries and ranking data.

3. Keyword Planner – A place to start when you are doing keyword research for your website, products, and information.

4. Plagiarism Checkers – There are many different plagiarism checkers to check your web content for duplicate content, ensuring your content is 100% unique.

5. Spelling and Grammar Tools – Many to choose from online and almost always free. Checks to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors in your content.